Client: Zlatiborac

Role: UX, Visual designer

Project duration: 2 weeks


The new campaign with the slogan "I want ham, but Zlatiborac" came with the need for a new landing page. Well-known actors, singers, and influencers recorded a series of clips with their recipes in which they use Zlatiborac hams, and the designer's task was to create a visual whole that promotes the products from the mentioned campaign on the web.

What's cooking?

The campaign was launched during Covid restrictions. The year of distancing, isolation, and working from home was difficult for everyone because we did not have the opportunity to spend time with friends and family. However, we had time to work on ourselves and perfect our culinary skills.

Culinary experiments are not easy without reliable allies, but with Zlatiborac ideas come on their own, and meal preparation becomes a real pleasure.

Breakfast, lunch, dinner, different meals, different actors. And Zlatiborac as inspiration for good ideas and quality taste. Actors Dragana Mićalović and Luka Raco revealed to us that if we want a good sandwich for good morning, we have to put in a little effort. They give us an idea for a simple and quick meal using Zlatiborac chicken breast for a quality start to the day.

Dinner or an early but very early breakfast? As who prefers more. Tijana Dapčević and Igor Lazić were a perfect culinary combination, with them and Zlatiborac cured ham.

Blue eggplant, you have to admit it doesn't sound very appetizing, especially if you're going to serve it to the kids for lunch! They are still the biggest critics when it comes to food, but that's why Marija and Strahinja Ćalović showed us a phenomenal recipe, how blue eggplant can be super tasty. If you are wondering how this is possible, the answer is simple. Zlatiborac premium ham.

Live website

Desktop version

Mobile version

Promotion materials

To promote the campaign and new landing page I created a series of materials that feature the actors, singers, influencers, and Zlatiborac hams. The main platforms were Instagram, Facebook, and Google Display Network.